Popcorn (1.5lbs/675g)
Manitoba grown popcorn!!!
Brought to you by Valleyfield Acres, a small-scale vegetable farm near Morden. You’ve seen veggies from Karen and her family in the veggie bundles over the past few years, and in 2023 they tried out a new crop – popcorn! As experiments go, they are starting small and harvesting, shelling and processing everything by hand! We are so excited to be able to include this product in our CSA bundles this year!
From Valleyfield Acres:
Valleyfield Acres (https://www.localline.ca/valleyfield-acres) is not certified organic, but they do not use chemical fertiliers/herbicides/pesticides or GMO seeds on their farm. In the grain world, where most grains are marketed to brokers, pooled together with similar crops with limited traceability, consumers rely on a “certified organic” label to know something about the crop’s growing conditions. However, for farmers that use direct marketing for most of their sales, customers are able to develop a trusting relationship with that farmer. We know and trust that the crops grown by Valleyfield Acres are grown with conditions that meet or exceed the organic standards 🙂