Organic Soy Beans


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Organic Manitoba grown soy beans

Grown on Fred and Caroline’s organic farm (Old Willow Organic Farm near Shilo Manitoba), and milled/processed by Adagio Acres.  Despite their bad rap, soybeans are a really helpful addition to a lot of organic farms because they are a legume crop that can help to build nitrogen in the soil instead of needing chemical fertilizers.  An organic locally grown soybean is a very different bean than the “bad guy” crop you might hear about contributing to unsustainable monocropping and clear-cutting elsewhere in the world 😉

Perfect for a mixed bean chili, winter soup, hummus, or delving into that crazy world of soymilk, tempeh, miso and tofu!  There have also been a lot of recipes shared on our “Winter Grain CSA” facebook group back from 2019 (the last time I was able to find Manitoba soybeans…).

Home-made tofu with our soybeans!



2lbs (900g), 10lbs (4.5kg)