Grain Bundle Donation
Help us make local organic food available to everyone!
It feels amazing to be surrounded by the abundance of all this incredible food. But that feeling diminishes when we think of so many people who don’t have secure access to nutritious food in our community.
Each year of our Winter Grain CSA, we have been able to donate around 50 shares, which comes out to 4,000lbs of local organic grain to those who need a boost! Again this year, we will be offering a sliding scale pricing model in addition to donations to our community non-profit partners. Our hope is that our sliding scale pricing system will help make the CSA accessible to lower-income individuals according to need.
By purchasing a grain share, thank you(!!), you’re already enabling this to happen! $10 from every bundle already goes to helping to donate bundles to refugee and low-income families! If you are in a position to help others EVEN MORE, please consider adding an additional donation, which will go directly to making more food available to our community partner organizations. For every $1 that you donate, we’ll double your donation and send $2 worth of organic grain to our community partners. So when we get $135 in donations, we’ll send another Full Grain Bundle out the door, or if we get $55 in donations, a mini bundle is heading to someone who needs a boost ! We have been working with a number of different soup kitchens, refugee settlement initiatives, and a team of dieticians with Klinic Health to give grain bundles directly to newcomers and low-income families who are learning how to prepare healthier meals. We love being able to do this, and the more food we can get out the door, the more we can help local farmers AND help to address issues of equal access to nutritious food in our province.
Donation | $15, $30, $55 (we'll send a mini grain bundle to someone who needs a boost!), $135 (we'll send a full grain bundle to a family in need!) |